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I personally like to think of the Internet as a parallel universe,a cyber[网络的]-world as opposed to the real-world.In cyberworld people do much the same thing as in the real-world,such as chat,work,or go shopping.And,as in the real-world,there are dangers.In the real-world,we spend years as children learning about the world and all its dangers before we can safely go out on our own.This is not the case in cyber-world.People wander into cyber- I personally like to think of the Internet as a parallel universe, a cyber [network] -world as opposed to the real-world. Cyberworld people do much the same thing as in the real-world, such as chat, work, or go shopping.And, as in the real-world, there are dangers. the real-world, we spend years as children learning about the world and all its dangers before we can safely go out on our own.This is not the case in cyber-world.People wander into cyber-
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