
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingwei1234
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天津港是首都的海上门户,是我国华北、西北和京津地区对外贸易水陆交通枢纽,是我国沿海地区重要的国际贸易港口之一。 天津新港经过四十余年的开发建设,其基础设施已经具有相当的规模。至1993年底,全港共拥有各类泊位146个,岸线长17000米,其中公用泊位60多个(含万吨级以上深水泊位47个)。岸线长11000多米,包括件杂货泊位43个,集装箱泊位8个,其中4个正在改造。公用码头通过能力达3000多万吨,国内外客运量近40万人次。港口直属公司拥有仓库和堆场140多万平方米,其中仓库面积20多万平方米。港区内现有铁路65公里,设有港前编组站1个。港口铁路可通过塘沽车站与京山线相接。新港现有进港公路4条,都与高速公路相接,新港港区内现有公路14条,总长20多公里,组成东西及南北向道路网。港内配套基础设施齐全。已形成了港口地区有线与无线,固定与移动、陆地与海上相结合的多功能通讯网络。 Tianjin Port is the gateway to the capital of the sea. It is the water and land transportation hub for foreign trade in North China, Northwest China and Beijing-Tianjin region of China and one of the important international trade ports in China’s coastal areas. Tianjin Newport after more than 40 years of development and construction, its infrastructure already has a considerable scale. By the end of 1993, there were 146 berths of all kinds in Hong Kong, with a coastline of 17,000 meters, of which 60 were public berths (including 47 deep water berths above 10,000 tons). The coastline is more than 11,000 meters long, including 43 groceries berths and 8 container berths, of which 4 are being renovated. Public terminals through the capacity of more than 3,000 tons, domestic and foreign passenger traffic nearly 400,000 passengers. The company directly owned by the port owns more than 1.4 million square meters of warehouses and storage facilities, of which the warehouse area is more than 200,000 square meters. The existing railway within the port area of ​​65 kilometers, with a marshalling yard in front of the port. The port railway can be connected with Jingshan Line through Tanggu Station. Newport existing inbound highway 4, are connected with the highway, Newport Harbor existing road 14, total length of more than 20 kilometers, composed of east-west and north-south road network. Hong Kong supporting infrastructure. Has formed a port area wired and wireless, fixed and mobile, land and sea multi-functional communication network.
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2002 年,受叔父的资助,我到美国 是排演话剧,向全校公开招演员。波丽娜汽车城底特律市一所工学院读大学。在 看了通知后,又看剧本,剧中女主角—这里,使