“领先长三角”系列报告(九) 长三角利用外资的空间演进与引资竞争分析

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外向型经济模式促进了长三角地区整体城市化水平的提高,并为真正实现区域经济一体化打下基础。招商引资的重要性是不言而喻的,为了促进地方经济的良性发展,长三角各城市必须理性看待招商引资方面的竞争与合作。随着长三角城市化和一体化进程的加快,“行政推动”招商引资的负面作用将越来越大,因此政府引资工作的重点应及时从“运动招商”、“一把手亲自抓”等旧方式转移到营造良好的投资环境上来。 The export-oriented economic model has promoted the enhancement of the overall urbanization in the Yangtze River Delta region and laid the foundation for truly realizing regional economic integration. Importance of investment is self-evident, in order to promote the healthy development of local economy, cities in the Yangtze River Delta must rationally view the competition and cooperation in attracting investment. With the acceleration of urbanization and integration in the Yangtze River Delta, the negative impact of “administrative promotion” of attracting foreign investments will become increasingly larger. Therefore, the focus of government investment should be promptly shifted from the old ways of “attracting investment from the sports industry” and “grasping the leader in person” Transfer to create a good investment environment up.
目的:通过回顾性对比分析青年缺血性脑卒中与老年缺血性脑卒中的影像资料及临床资料,研究青年缺血性脑卒中的发病危险因素及M R I影像表现的特点,为青年缺血性脑卒中的预防和
In the central nervous system, immunologic surveillance and response are carried out, in large part, by microglia. These resident macrophages derive from myeloi
【摘 要】矿难是在我们谈及矿区最容易触及到的一个字眼。这一灾难是给人们带来了十分重大的创伤,因此我们总是不愿意随意的提及,但是并不能因为我们害怕矿难的发生就将此回避,而是应该积极面对找到正确的对策来解决煤田地质勘探中存在的这种严重问题。近些年来,矿难发生的频率逐渐增高,这使得矿区安全成为管理者们高度重视的问题。然而这一问题都是由于透水事故造成的。  【关键词】煤田;地质勘探;问题;对策分析  前言
目的 应用PDCA循环管理模式对肺癌患者痰标本进行管理,通过持续质量改进实施与效果评价,周而复始的循环降低肺癌患者痰标本的不合格率.方法 将本科2017年4~11月份113例患者作