安次区发展支柱产业 大搞治沙造林

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廊坊市安次区,属永定河下游缓洪沉淀平原区。由于历史上永定河多次改道造成土壤严重沙化,全区144万亩土地,沙地面积占76%,遍布全区12个乡镇,土壤贫瘠,有机质含量少,保水保肥能力差,水资源匮乏。由于干旱与大风同季,风沙危害严重影响了工农业生产和国民经济的发展。建国后,安次区人民在各级党委和政府的领导下,营造了大面积的农田防护林。特别是1992年安次区被确定为全国治沙重点县以来,明确“以改善生态环境提高经济效益为目标,发展治沙造林,调整种植结构,统一规划,重点突破,典型带动,依靠科技,强化服务,提高治沙水平”的发展思路,使治沙工作进入了科学的全面综合治理新阶段,治沙造林成了全区农业可持续发展的最佳切入点。1992年至1999年 Anci District, Langfang City, is a slow flood plain precipitation Yongding District. Due to the serious desertification caused by the diversion of Yongding River many times in history, the area covers an area of ​​1.44 million mu with sandy land accounting for 76% of the total area. It is distributed in 12 towns and townships in the region. Its soil is poor, its organic matter content is low, its ability to retain water and fertilizer is poor, and its water resources are scarce . Due to the same season of droughts and gales, the harm of sandstorms severely affected the industrial and agricultural production and the development of the national economy. After the founding of the People’s Republic, the people of the Anci district, under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, created a large-scale farmland shelter forest. Since 1992, when Anzhai was designated as a key county for desertification control in the country, it has been clarified that “aiming at improving the ecological environment and increasing economic efficiency, the development of sand control and afforestation, adjustment of planting structure, unified planning, key breakthroughs, typical driving and relying on science and technology Strengthen services and raise the level of desertification control, ”so that the desertification control work has entered a new phase of scientific and comprehensive and comprehensive governance and the goal of desertification and desertification has become the best entry point for agricultural sustainable development in the entire region. 1992 to 1999
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