以充分履行政协职能为着力点 努力推进社会主义政治文明建设

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中共十六大报告明确提出“发展社会主义民主政治、建设社会主义政治文明,是全面建设小康社会的重要目标”。这是对建设中国特色社会主义规律的深刻认识,为人民政协在我国社会主义政治文明建设中进一步发挥其不可替代的重要作用指明了方向,提出了更高的要求,提供了宽广的舞台。一、中共十六大提出建设社会主义政治文明的现代价值中共十六大报告明确提出政治文明建设,不仅有很强的现实针对性,而且有深远的意义。第一,全面实现小康社会奋斗目标的战略举措。十六大提出政治文明建设的战略举措,是根据小康社会的奋斗目标提出来的,即目标中实现“富强”的目标要靠物质文明建设,实现“文明”的目标要靠精神文明,而实现“民主”的目标则要靠政治文明建设。第二,为我国社会的全面、协调发展提供理论指导和政治保证。我国社会主义现代化建设,是一个充满各种矛盾的复杂系统,物质文明建设、政治文明建设、精神文明建设三大部分中,物质文明建设是基础,政治文明建设是保证,精神文明建设是动力。物质文明建设,可以通过市场经济的运行机制推动,使之呈现一种竞争发展的动态。精神文明建设,也确立了明 The report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC explicitly states: “Developing socialist democratic politics and building a socialist political civilization are all important goals for building an overall well-to-do society.” This is a profound understanding of the laws governing the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and points out the direction for the CPPCC to further play its irreplaceable role in the construction of socialist political civilization in our country, putting forward higher requirements and providing a broad stage. I. CPC Central Committee 16 Propose the Modern Value of Building Socialist Political Civilization The report of the 16th CPC National Congress clearly states that the construction of political civilization is not only highly practical but also of far-reaching significance. First, a strategic move to fully realize the goal of a well-off society. The strategic measures proposed by the 16th CPC National Congress in building a political civilization are based on the objective of building a well-off society. That is, the goal of achieving “prosperity and prosperity” in our goals depends on the building of material civilization and the goal of achieving “civilization.” The goal of achieving “democracy” depends on the construction of political civilization. Second, to provide theoretical guidance and political guarantee for the comprehensive and coordinated development of our society. China’s socialist modernization is a complex system full of various contradictions. In the three major parts of building material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, the building of material civilization is the foundation. The construction of political civilization is a guarantee and the construction of spiritual civilization is the driving force. The construction of material civilization can be promoted through the operation mechanism of the market economy so that it presents a dynamic development of competition. Spiritual civilization construction, also established a clear
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