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自人类开始工业革命以来,无数新产品、新技术、新工具被开发和应用,这不仅使得人们的生活和工作变得轻松与高效,更加推动了世界经济迈向一个又一个的高峰。然而,随着时间的推移,人们逐渐意识到,之前快速的发展极大程度上是以对环境的破坏为代价的,这种遗祸子孙的做法必须得到制止与纠正。于是,可持续发展的概念便应运而生了。这不仅是我国发展的政策,更是全世界经济社会进步的前提;这不仅是一句口号,更应该是我们坚持到底的信念。而对于企业来说,它们则是实行可持续发展的基体,换句话说,企业对于可持续发展的坚持,才能真正决定我们可持续发展的落实状况,这就要求企业及企业家必须拥有强烈的社会责任感。 Since mankind began the industrial revolution, numerous new products, new technologies and new tools have been developed and applied. This not only makes people’s life and work easier and more efficient, but also drives the world economy to a new peak after another. However, as time goes by, people are gradually realizing that the rapid development that preceded it has been at the expense of environmental destruction to a great extent, and that this unscrupulous practice must be stopped and rectified. Thus, the concept of sustainable development came into being. This is not only a policy for the development of our country, but also a prerequisite for the economic and social progress of the entire world. This is not only a slogan, but also a conviction that we should uphold it in the long run. For enterprises, they are the basis for the implementation of sustainable development. In other words, the firm’s adherence to sustainable development can really determine the implementation of our sustainable development. This requires that enterprises and entrepreneurs must have a strong Social responsibility.
?眼关键词?演历史,新课程,教学改革,困境  ?眼中图分类号?演G63 ?眼文献标识码?演B ?眼文章编号?演0457-6241(2014)17-0026-04  目前以新课程标准为依托的新课程改革正迅速展开,给长期以来处于公式化、套路化和程序化状态的旧历史教学注入了勃勃生机。可以预见,再经十余年的持久探索,新历史教学必将结出硕果。但是,其在实施过程中仍遇到诸多问题,这些问题妨碍着新课改的推进。这
日前,为保证商场的安全,结合当前社会安全情况的现状,根据市公安局及上市公司的精神,双安商场安保部,为场总值班人员 Recently, in order to ensure the safety of shoppin
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