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我们在中学作文教学中,都强调让学生从现实生活中选择真实的、亲历的材料来作文,事实上我们不少学生确实选择了身边的鲜活素材,但由于缺乏创新意识,对素材的创新处理不力而使文章难以脱颖而出。如何实现题材的创新呢?还是先让我们来看一个实例吧。半命题:的力量拟题:“D”的力量构思、题材:考试中,我遇到一道曾经在练习中碰到过的选择题,老师已经作了讲解,由于我的粗心大意,依然出错,事后老师严肃地批 In our middle school essay writing, we emphasize that students should choose real and experienced materials for writing in real life. In fact, quite a few of our students did choose fresh materials around them. However, due to the lack of innovative awareness, the material innovation Poor handling of the article makes it difficult to stand out. How to achieve the theme of innovation? Or let us look at an example of it. Semi-proposition: the power of the title: “D” power concept, subject: exam, I met a multiple-choice questions encountered in practice, the teacher has explained, due to my carelessness, still Error, after the teacher seriously criticized
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The following investigations were conducted to evaluate grassy strips of different age for organic arable fields. From September 2009 to October 2010, adult gro