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所有无损检测(NDT)人员资格鉴定程序的基本要求之一是考生必须通过实际操作考试,以此来证明他们有缺陷的精确检出及定性、定量能力。事实上,所有资格鉴定的考试试块均由资格鉴定当局认定,它们在培训和资格鉴定过程中起着重要作用。但目前采用的考试试块的现状又如何呢。实际上,只有极少数人真正全面领会考试试块应当满足的要求,目前也没有用于制造和评价它们的适当规范,因此,有些试块可能是完全不适用的。考试用试块可在国外或国内设计,缺陷检出的难易程度可以非常容易,也可以极其困难,试想,如果全世界的资格鉴定机构采用缺陷检出难易程度差异巨大的试块供考生考试的话,那么考试程度的不一致性是显而易见的。事实上,这种情况时有发生。在大力推行国际标准化的今天,绝不能让这种情况存在下去。本文意在为读者提供一种对考试试块的全面认识,讨论怎样的试块才能用于考试,为什么它们很重要,怎样制造及造价如何等。同时也提出制订国际公认的制造和评价规范的重要性。1 考试试块的基本要求考试试块应是内部含有已知尺寸和埋藏部位缺陷的某种工业产品零部件的全尺寸高质量模型或仿制品,是用于培训、资格鉴定以及鉴定NDT设备规程和人员有效性的专用试块,每块试块都应附有描述被故意引入的缺陷的数量、类型? One of the basic requirements of all non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel qualification procedures is that candidates must pass a hands-on examination in order to prove their flawed accuracy of detection and quantification. In fact, all accreditation test panels are accredited by accreditation authorities and play an important role in the training and accreditation process. But what is the current status of the test block used? In fact, only a handful of people truly fully understand the requirements that test blocks should meet, and at this time there is no proper specification for manufacturing and evaluating them. Therefore, some test blocks may not be suitable at all. Examination of the test block can be in foreign or domestic design, the difficulty of detection of defects can be very easy, it can be extremely difficult, imagine, if the world’s accreditation bodies using defects detection difficulty Huge difference between the test blocks for candidates Examination, then the degree of inconsistency examination is obvious. In fact, this happens from time to time. In promoting the international standardization of today, we must not allow this situation to exist. This article is intended to provide the reader with a complete understanding of the test blocks, discussing what blocks can be used for the exam, why they are important, how they are manufactured and how much they cost. It also points to the importance of establishing internationally accepted norms for manufacturing and evaluation. 1 Basic requirements for the test block The test block shall be a full-size, high-quality model or imitation of an industrial part containing components of known dimensions and defects of the buried part, for use in training, qualification and qualification of NDT equipment And the effectiveness of personnel-specific test block, each test block should be accompanied by a description of the number of defects were deliberately introduced, the type?
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