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口内癌根据原发部位不同,可向各组颈淋巴结转移。但向腮腺淋巴结转移者不多见。腮腺淋巴结引流的解剖途径尚不十分清楚,一般认为发生于唇、口腔、副鼻窦、口咽部、鼻咽部和喉部的癌可转移到腮腺。绝大多数腮腺转移来自具有深浸润性的黑色素瘤或同侧眼睑、额、颞、颧部和耳廓前的大的鳞状细胞癌。偶见远处原发肿瘤经淋巴或血流转移到腮腺,已报道的有肺癌、乳腺癌、肾癌和直肠结肠癌,并认为以肾癌、肺癌和乳腺癌最常见。本文报道2例口腔鳞癌累及腮腺淋巴结的情况。例1 患者女,55岁。舌右侧缘-2cm溃疡,右侧颈深上触及一肿大的淋巴结。活检病理报告为中等 Intraoral cancer can be transferred to each group of cervical lymph nodes depending on the primary site. However, rare metastasis to salivary gland lymph nodes. The anatomic route of salivary lymph node drainage is not completely understood. It is generally believed that cancers occurring in the lips, mouth, paranasal sinus, oropharynx, nasopharynx, and larynx can be transferred to the parotid gland. The vast majority of parotid gland metastases are from large invasive melanomas or ipsilateral orbits, frontal, temporal, orbital, and large squamous cell carcinomas in front of the auricle. Occasionally distant primary tumors have been transferred to the parotid glands via lymphatic or bloodstream. There have been reports of lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, and rectal colon cancer, and kidney cancer, lung cancer, and breast cancer are the most common. This article reports two cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma involving the parotid lymph nodes. Example 1 Female patient, 55 years old. A 2 cm ulcer on the right edge of the tongue, and an enlarged lymph node on the right neck. Biopsy pathology report is moderate
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本院自1975年7月至1985年12月共收治口腔鳞癌241例。放射治疗为主要治疗手段,本文作一回顾性分析。 In this hospital, 241 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were t
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患者,男,23岁。因咳嗽、不规则低热、痰血1年余,曾拟诊肺结核,予抗痨治疗,病情不见好转,遂于1986年12月18日再次入院就诊。 Patient, male, 23 years old. Because of coug