
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JxfITRoad
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云南省玉溪市曾是一个重特大群体性事件高发的地区。近13年来,该市市委、市政府和公安机关按照省委、省政府和省公安厅党委的要求,牢固树立人民利益至上的观念,本着“要让人民有尊严地幸福生活、要让社会充满公平正义、要让人民有安全感、要让人民对未来充满希望”的四项原则,以实事求是的工作作风,从源头上、基础上、根本上预防和化解社会矛盾,从而确保了政府在加快经济发展和城市化进程中,实现了从老百姓利益的“对立者”到“代表者”的回归,探索出了一条有效减少针对政府的重特大群体性事件发生的治本之路。 Yuxi City, Yunnan Province was once a major mass incidents in areas with high incidence. In the past 13 years, the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the public security organ have firmly established the concept of the supremacy of the interests of the people in line with the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the Party committees of the provincial public security department. In line with the principle of “let the people live happily and dignifiedly, Society is full of fairness and justice, let the people have a sense of security, make the people full of hope for the future, ”and adopt a working style of seeking truth from facts, so as to prevent and resolve social conflicts fundamentally and fundamentally from the source, so as to ensure that In accelerating economic development and urbanization, the government has achieved the return from the “opponents” to the “representatives” of ordinary people’s interests and has explored a solution that effectively reduces the occurrence of major mass incidents targeting the government the road.
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