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6107添加剂的诞生人是否应该满足已有的成绩?浙江农大教师许梓荣以自己的实际行动回答:不能。许梓荣己取得了多项科研成果,但他没有躺在成绩上睡大觉。他的科研方向是如何进一步发展我国的畜牧业。发展畜牧业的关键是饲料,中国落后的饲料业使外国人乘虚而入。洋饲料在我国长江南北广大农村占有绝对优势,民族饲料业一片萧条。发展节粮型畜牧业的关键是提高饲料的蛋白质含量。我国饲料主要问题是蛋白质缺乏。有关资料表明,理想的禽畜所需蛋白质是鱼粉和菜籽饼。我国鱼粉不多,菜籽饼年产量却达400万吨。可是因为菜籽饼有毒,95%成了肥料。菜籽饼脱毒是个国际性的难题。自从100多年前世界上有了饲料工业,这一难题就成为饲料专家共同攻克的目标。然而一个世纪过 6107 additives, the birth of the people should meet the existing achievements? Zhejiang Agricultural University teacher Xu Zirong to answer their own practical actions: No. Xu Zi Rong has made a number of scientific research achievements, but he did not sleep lying on the score. His research direction is how to further develop our country’s livestock husbandry. The key to the development of animal husbandry is feed. The backwardness of China’s feed industry allows foreigners to take advantage of it. Western feed in our vast rural areas north and south of the Yangtze River occupies an absolute advantage, national feed industry in a depression. The key to developing a food-saving livestock husbandry is to increase the protein content of the feed. The main problem of feed in our country is the lack of protein. The data show that the ideal protein for poultry is fish meal and rapeseed cake. Little fish meal in our country, rapeseed cake annual output has reached 4 million tons. But since rapeseed cakes are poisonous, 95% become fertilizers. Rapeseed detoxification is an international problem. Since more than 100 years ago in the world of feed industry, this challenge has become the common goal of feed experts. However, a century has passed
From the organization of animal flocks to the emergence of swarming behaviors in bacterial suspension,populations of motile organisms at all scales display cohe
在众多能源储存系统中,锂氧气电池以其高达3500 Wh·kg-1的理论能量密度有望在性能上超越商用锂离子电池.然而,在电池充放电过程中,金属锂不可控的枝晶生长和严重的腐蚀问题
Zinc oxide is recently being used as a magnetic semiconductor with the introduction of mag-netic elements.In this work,we report phase pure synthesis of Mg and
目前各种创伤及交通事故已成为一个极其严重的问题,我国多数医院采取分科分段式,导致救治时效性差,不能满足严重创伤救治黄金一小时内给予确定性处理的弊病, 因此,建立现代创