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  1. (2012·黑龙江省双鸭山一中高一上期中)Xiao Ming the club and a lot of its activities in his spare time.
  A. took part in; joined
  B. joined in; took part in
  C. joined; took part in
  D. joined in; joined
  2. (2012·浙江省台州中学高一统练)Ten minutes has been made full of the problem.
  A. using; studyingB. use; to study
  C. to use; to studyD. use; studying
  3. (2012·江西省新余一中高一) on the fact, the report should be reliable.
  A. BasingB. To be base
  C. BasedD. To base
  4. (2012·淮安市吴承恩中学高一调研)The Chinese teacher often requires the students to talk about writers and books they like most.
  A. thatB. which
  C. whoD. whom
  5. (2012·黑龙江省双鸭山一中高一期中)Tom is so lazy that it is the third time that he late this week.
  A. has cameB. is coming
  C. cameD. has come
  1. C 本题题意:小明加入了俱乐部,在业余时间参加了俱乐部的很多活动。join the club“加入俱乐部”;take part in activities“参加活动”。
  2. B 本题题意:用了十分钟时间研究了一下这个问题。make full use of“充分利用”;to study the problem是不定式作目的状语。
  3. C 本题题意:建立在事实基础之上,该报告值得信赖。the report与base构成逻辑上的被动关系,因此用过去分词形式。
  4. A 本题题意:语文老师经常要求学生谈论他们最喜欢的作者和著作。先行词既有人又有物,此时引导词用that不用which。
  5. D 本题题意:汤姆很懒,这是他今周第三次迟到了。It/That/This is the first(…)time that…是固定句式,that从句中的谓语动词的时态要求用现在完成时。
单词 短语C  1. The oxygen equipment made it possible for the climbers to rest and sleep at very high .  A. levelB. heights  C. altitudesD. atmosphere  2. (2010·浙江11)Do you think shopping online will take
单词 短语B  1. (2012·浙江杭州高一检测)Mr. Blake Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane on Sunday?  A. is leaving; takes off  B. leaves; takes off  C. is leaving; is taking off  D. leaves; is
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单词 短语A  1. China Daily is a newspaper; it helps us improve our English.  A. more thanB. no more than  C. not more thanD. no less than  2. No one likes the way he speaks to others.  A. whichB. /  C. ho
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How to Get Along with Friends(3)  【经典例题】  古语有云:“有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎?” 在生活中, 人人都需要朋友。但如何与朋友和谐相处才能使我们的友谊长存呢?请根据下面的提示, 写一篇英语短文。  内容要点:  1. 诚实:谎言会使朋友远离我们;  2. 倾听:理解朋友的心声;  3. 虚心:如果在朋友面前骄傲, 就会失去朋友的尊敬;  4. 无私:在朋友有
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6. Recently, to maintain national balance, the Chinese government has a policy of encouraging college graduates to take positions in rural areas.  A. adaptedB. admired  C. adoptedD. admitted.  7. Gene