落实科学发展观 加快建设绿色山东

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科学发展观是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央从新世纪新阶段党和国家事业发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想,是与时俱进的重大理论创新,是推进各项事业发展的根本指针。近几年来,山东省以科学发展观统领各项林业工作,着力构建林业生态和林业产业两大体系,积极推进绿色山东建设,林业建设呈现出全面、协调、可持续发展的良好态势,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益。创新发展思路,建设绿色山东林业具有生态建设和基础产业的双重属性,担负着改善生态和促进经济发展的双重使命,因此,植树造林、发展林业既是一个环境问题,又是一个资源问题,两者具有统一性,但又是矛盾的,具有一定的对立性。实践证明,实现林业的可持续发展,单纯就产业抓产业不行,孤立地就生态抓生态也不行。山东地处东部沿海发达地区,是一个农业大省、人口大省,林业的双重属性更加明显、双重任务更加突出:一方面,迫切需要加快造林绿化,改善生态环境,以发挥森林在陆地生态系统中的主体地位和作用;另一方面,还要充分发挥林业作为基础产业的作用,提高 The scientific concept of development is a major strategic thinking put forward by the party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary from the overall development of the party and state in the new phase of the new century. It is a major theoretical innovation that advances with the times and is a fundamental guideline for advancing the development of various undertakings. In recent years, Shandong Province has guided the forestry work with the scientific concept of development, focused on building the two major systems of forestry ecology and forestry industry, and actively promoted the construction of green Shandong. The forestry construction showed a good momentum of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development and achieved Significant ecological, economic and social benefits. Innovative development ideas and construction of green forestry in Shandong Province have the dual attributes of ecological construction and basic industries and assume the dual mission of improving ecology and promoting economic development. Therefore, afforestation and forestry development are both an environmental issue and a resource issue, and both Uniformity, but also contradictory, with a certain degree of opposition. Practice has proved that to achieve the sustainable development of forestry, industry can not simply grasp the industry, ecological or ecological ecologically alone does not work. Shandong is located in the developed eastern coastal areas. It is a big agricultural province with a large population. The double attributes of forestry are even more obvious. The dual tasks are even more prominent. On the one hand, there is an urgent need to speed up afforestation and improve the ecological environment so as to bring forests into play in terrestrial ecosystems In the main position and role; the other hand, we must also give full play to the role of forestry as a basic industry to improve
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