Optimal Preview Control for Automatic Carrier Landing System of Carrier-Based Aircraft with Air Wake

来源 :南京航空航天大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyuxun2005
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Carrier-based aircraft carrier landing is a special kind of tracking control problem and not suitable for classical control methods ,which may miss the desired performance or result in overdesign .Therefore ,we present an optimal preview control for automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) by using state information of system ,as well as future reference information ,which can avoid the shortcomings of classical control methods .Since the flight performance of carrier-based aircraft is disturbed by air wake when the aircraft flies near the area of carrier st ,we design a disturbance rejection strategy to ensure that aircraft track the glide path with high precision and robustness .Further ,carrier-based aircraft is a complex nonlinear system .However ,the nonlinear model of carri-er-based aircraft can be linearized at equilibrium landing state and decoupled into the longitudinal model and the lat-eral model .Therefore ,an optimal preview control system is designed .The simulation results of a carrier-based aircraft show that the optimal preview control system can effectively suppress air wake .Tracking accuracy of opti-mal preview controller is higher than that of the proportional integral differential (PID) control system .
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