蒸湘之子——广西柳州湖南商会会长 柳州长业房地产开发有限责任公司董事长刘心良

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1981年,20岁的刘心良从首都经济贸易大学工民建专业毕业,被分配到家乡衡阳县第三建筑工程公司担任技术员。由于他悟性高,又勤劳肯干,工作出色,1984年被公司指派进驻柳州,并担任公司驻柳州办事处主任。从此,刘心良与“龙城”柳州结下了不解之缘。1990年,刘心良决心长期扎根柳州,同年,他调入柳州市第二建筑工程公司,1992年又调入柳州市第三建筑工程公司。伴随着柳州城市化进程的加快,他从栋号长、项目经理、分公司经理、公司副总经理等职位一路升迁。 In 1981, 20-year-old Liu Xinliang graduated from a civil engineering major of Capital University of Economics and Business and was assigned to the third construction company in Hengyang County as a technician. Because of his high savvy, hard-working and willing to do a good job, the company was assigned to Liuzhou in 1984 and served as director of the company’s office in Liuzhou. Since then, Liu Xinliang and “Dragon City ” Liuzhou settled indissoluble bond. In 1990, Liu Xinliang determined to root long-term Liuzhou, the same year, he transferred to the second construction company in Liuzhou City, 1992 and transferred to the third construction company in Liuzhou. With the acceleration of the process of urbanization in Liuzhou, he moved up all the way from No. 4 Chief of Staff, Project Manager, Branch Manager, and Deputy General Manager of the Company.
多元智能理论是由美国哈佛大学教授Howard Gardner提出的。在实际教学中,因为多元智能的关系,学生会呈现各种不同的学习型态(LeaningStyle),所以身为教师,必须了解学生的个性