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合理划定基本菜田是提升蔬菜生产能力、保障城市蔬菜均衡供应的基础。该研究在界定基本菜田内涵的基础上,构建平谷区耕地入选基本菜田的综合质量评价模型,以期为大城市郊区基本菜田布局提供科学依据。结果表明:1)从田块质量、生态适宜性、空间稳定性、交通区位与蔬菜种植习惯等4方面构建耕地入选基本菜田的综合质量评价指标体系,充分考虑了蔬菜生产对耕地质量的基本需求以及国家和农业部对基本菜田的政策要求,包含了水资源供需状况和重要水源保护区等指标,使得该研究的评价方法更合理;2)平谷区耕地的田块质量、生态适宜性、空间稳定性、交通区位与蔬菜种植习惯等评价结果呈现差异性分布。基于综合质量评价结果,将平谷区耕地图斑划分为最适宜区、较适宜区、一般适宜区和不适宜区。其中,最适宜区是基本菜田的首选区域,主要分布在平谷新城周边的东高村镇、夏各庄镇、山东庄镇和大兴庄镇,面积为3 472.33 hm2,占平谷区耕地总面积的28.25%;其次是较适宜区,面积为5 186.28 hm2;一般适宜区的面积为2 860.86 hm2,可作为基本菜田储备区域;不适宜区的土壤表土质地差、有机质含量低,加之远离平谷新城、交通不便等因素,不适宜划为基本菜田。3)建议围绕首都“菜篮子工程”建设,强化基本菜田的分级建设与保护,形成露地蔬菜、设施蔬菜和蔬菜园区相互补充的蔬菜生产格局。 The rational delineation of basic vegetable fields is the basis for enhancing vegetable production capacity and ensuring a balanced supply of urban vegetables. Based on defining the connotation of basic vegetable fields, this study constructs a comprehensive quality evaluation model of cultivated land selection in basic vegetable fields in Pinggu District so as to provide a scientific basis for the layout of basic vegetable fields in the suburbs of large cities. The results showed that: 1) The comprehensive quality evaluation index system of cultivated land into basic vegetable fields was established from four aspects: the quality of plots, ecological suitability, spatial stability, traffic location and vegetable planting habit. The basic quality of cultivated land Demand and the requirements of the state and the Ministry of Agriculture for basic vegetable fields, including indicators of water supply and demand status and important water source protection areas, which make the evaluation method of this study more reasonable; 2) the quality and ecological suitability of cultivated land in Pinggu , The spatial stability, the traffic location and the planting habits of vegetables showed different results. Based on the results of comprehensive quality evaluation, the cultivated landform in Pinggu District was divided into the most suitable area, the more suitable area, the general suitable area and the unsuitable area. Among them, the most suitable area is the preferred area for basic vegetable fields, which are mainly distributed in Donggao Village, Xiagezhuang Town, Shandong Zhuang Town and Daxing Town around Pinggu New City with an area of ​​3 472.33 hm 2, accounting for the total area of ​​cultivated land in Pinggu 28.25%; followed by the more suitable area of ​​an area of ​​5 186.28 hm2; general suitable area of ​​2860.86 hm2, can be used as a basic vegetable field reserve area; , Inconvenient transportation and other factors, is not suitable for the basic vegetable fields. 3) It is suggested that the construction and protection of the basic vegetable fields should be strengthened around the construction of the capital “vegetable basket ” so as to form a vegetable production pattern complementary to open-air vegetables, vegetable facilities and vegetable gardens.
女儿学校要开新年联欢会,她拉着我去超市买零食。突然,她在一棵圣诞树前停住脚步。“圣诞节都过了,这东西没用处。”我试图打消她的念头。 Daughter school to open New Yea
老赵和老钱的儿子——小赵和小钱是同班同学。不过,两个孩子是两股道上跑的车。一想到小赵成绩一直名列前茅,老赵就会眯着眼睛抽起烟来,偷偷地乐上一会儿。 Zhao and old so
病历摘要  患者男性,76岁。因低热、气喘、咳血性痰5天,加重伴不能平卧6小时于1998年2月2日入院。入院时端坐位,咳粉红色泡沫痰,体温378℃,呼吸32次/分,血压150/80mmHg(1mmHg=0133kPa)。皮肤湿冷,口唇紫绀,两肺满布中 Pa
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