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4月5日,剧协陕西分会舞台美术学会与商洛地区剧团共同召开了《六斤县长》舞台美术座谈会,省市剧团部分舞台美术创作人员和商洛地区剧团的同志共二十七人参加了会议。会上发言热烈,提出了很多有益的意见,归纳如下: 一,大家认为这个戏有“三新”:第一题材新,它反映了当前农村面临的新问题,即实行了生产责任制以后一部分人生活富裕了,但也有一部分人生活有困难,各级领导干部面对这样的现实应当怎么办?如何使农民共同奋裕起来?提出了一个容易被人忽视的问题,很有现实意义。第 On April 5, the Theater Arts Society of Shaanxi Branch and the Shangluo Regional Theater jointly held a stage art forum for “six-kilogram magistrate”, some 27 stage art crews from provincial and municipal troupes and 27 comrades in the Shangluo area troupe participated The meeting. The meeting made an enthusiastic speech and put forward many useful suggestions. The conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. We all think this play has a “three newness”: the first theme is new, which reflects the new problems currently facing the rural areas, that is, a part after the implementation of the production responsibility system People live a prosperous life, but there are also some people who have difficulties in their daily lives. What should be done by leading cadres at all levels in the face of such a reality? How to make the peasants get together? To put forward a question that is easily overlooked is of great realistic significance. No.
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