
来源 :文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinyi
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本文以“社会表演”和“符像转向”的理论梳理为内容,重议杰弗里·亚历山大的强文化范式。在简述相关的文化转向及强文化范式概念后,文章认为,亚历山大近期的两大研究关注——表演和符像——都在同既有理论流派的对话中更进一步伸张了文化自主性:(1)与既有的结构主义和实用主义理论视角不同,社会表演理论强调人的所有实践可以被当作类仪式的社会表演,即文化现象。表演成功与否同表演过程中的文本、演员与观众间的文化延伸和心理认同等文化因素直接关联。成功的表演就意味文化延伸及心理认同达成而呈现出社会融合的秩序。(2)与唯物主义观点相衔接,符像转向寓意指出表层的视觉感官到物质与深层的心灵意义诠释之间的对应关系,强调了意义的物质感即文化本身所具有的物质性。 In this paper, we will review the strong cultural paradigm of Jeffrey Alexander based on the theoretical combing of “social performance” and “symbolic shift”. After a brief description of the concepts of cultural shift and strong culture paradigm, the article argues that the two recent major research concerns of Alexandria - acting and figurative - have further extended cultural autonomy in the dialogue with the schools of established theory: (1) Different from the existing theories of structuralism and pragmatism, social performance theory emphasizes that all human practices can be treated as ritual social performances, that is, cultural phenomena. The success of the performance is directly related to the cultural factors such as the text in the performance, the cultural extension between the actors and the audience, and the psychological identity. A successful performance means that cultural extension and psychological approval are reached and social order appears. (2) In connection with the materialist point of view, the symbolic shift to the moral signifies the correspondence between the visual senses on the surface and the deep spiritual meanings, emphasizing the material sense of meaning that the material itself possesses.
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