沧海横流 方显英雄本色——访经济学家樊纲教授

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樊纲一直很忙,月初和他联系,第一次电话接通后,他没有说话,听到背景声似乎是在开会;发了短信过去,一会儿电话回来,很清澈的声音,他说:“你是《营销学苑》杂志的啊?你们是研究营销的,这个研究范围,我没有涉及过啊。”我解释,我要做的专访内容是关于他本人的,因为栏目的名称是“走近英雄”。他略微沉吟,说:“我最近一直在开会……”经过记者再三请求,他同意了。然后听他计算自己的行程和时间,稍后他说:“那就18号吧,你和我的助手联系,把时间确定下来,我们18号聊聊吧。” 3月18号下午两点,我如约在樊纲的办公室见到他。樊纲比想像中高大许多,儒雅斯文,健康帅气。他穿着褐色西装,浅蓝色衬衫风度翩翩岁月的刻刀似乎忘记了自已的使命没有在他脸上 Fan Gang has been very busy, and he contacted the beginning of the month, after the first call was connected, he did not speak, hear the background sound seems to be in a meeting; made a text message in the past, while the phone back, very clear voice, he said: You are the “Marketing Academy” ah? You are marketing research, the scope of this study, I have not covered ah. “I explained that the interview I want to do is about himself, because the column name is Approached the hero ”. He pondered a little, saying: “I've been in a meeting lately ...” After repeated requests from reporters, he agreed. Then listen to his calculation of his journey and time, and later he said: “Then on the 18th, you and my assistant, to determine the time, we talk about it on the 18th.” "March 18 afternoon of two At some point, I met him at Fan Gang's office. Fan Gang much higher than the imagination, Confucianism, healthy and handsome. He was wearing a brown suit and a light blue shirt with a gracious vintage engraved knife that seemed to forget his own mission without his face
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