An applied research on remote sensing classification in the Loess Plateau

来源 :地理学报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hitlic2009
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Due to complex terrain of the Loess Plateau, the classification accuracy is unsatisfactory when a single supervised classification is used in the remote sensing investigation of the sloping field. Taking the loess hill and gully area of northern Shaanxi P
核心沉积的器官的碳(OC ) 上的调查在种舞台的 Scirpus mariqueter 期间在 Chongming 东方潮滩(厘米) 被执行(从 4 月到 2004 年 12 月) 在 Yangtze 河口。长江每年搬运流量
[1]Ai Nanshan,1999. Making for fractal physiognomy. Geography and Territorial Res.,15(1): 92-96. (in Chinese)[2]Ai Nanshan,1993. From Mandelbrot landscape to fracta
The spatial calculating analysis model is based on GIS overlay. It will compartmentalize the land in research district into three spatial types: unchanged parts
<正> 近年,著名学者庞朴先生和薛理勇同志先后撰文,就《左传》所记"枚卜"的特征及其具体的觇测方法分别发表了一些精辟的见解。但细索两家之言后,我们认为,"枚卜"似应理解为"微卜"才更为妥当。按上古音,枚、微同属明纽、微部,是可以通假的。清段玉裁注《说文》"枚"字曰:"《毛传》曰:"榦曰枚。’引申为衔枚之枚,为枚数之枚。《豳风传》曰:‘枚,微也。’《鲁颂传》曰:‘枚枚砻密也。’皆谓枚为微之假借也。"又,"微"之义,《说文》曰:"微,
【正】 匈奴王金冠纯金制造,重1.3千克,冠顶高7.3厘米,冠带周长60厘米。1972年鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗出土,全国仅此一件,国家一级文物。为匈奴单于参加盛大典礼时所戴的金冠,距今
The distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) and nitrogen on Gongga Mountain was studied in this paper. The results showed that the content of SOM and nitrogen