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在早期引进外资规模较小、层面较窄的情况下,咨询的热点主要是宏观法律政策、投资所在地优惠条件、企业管理模式的转换、审批程序和手续等等。随着我国改革开放力度的加大,各行各业都在向市场经济模式靠拢,外资开始大规模、多层面地涌入中国,尤其是从92年开始,我国利用外资的质量有了质的飞跃。(参见表)外商投资也由单独投资、单项投资转向联合投资或区域配套投资开发,基础设施、能源、交通等行业正成为外商投资的热点。与此同时,引进外资过程中出现了下列咨询热点:1、外商资信调查。近几年来,外商投资中的诈骗案件数量猛增,设备投资中以劣充优,质低价高的现象屡有发生。全国商检部门近三年来共鉴定外商设备近5,000批,外商申报价值为23亿美元,经商检部门鉴定实际价值为18亿美元,高报率为22%。越来越多的国内单位在引资 In the early stage of the introduction of foreign capital smaller and narrower level, the hot topics of consultation are mainly the macro law and policy, preferential conditions for the place where the investment is made, the transformation of the enterprise management mode, the examination and approval procedures and formalities. With the intensification of China’s reform and opening up, all walks of life are moving closer to the market economy mode, and foreign capital has started to flow into China on a large scale and at various levels. In particular, since the beginning of 1992, the quality of foreign investment in our country has been leapfrogged . (See the table.) Foreign investment has also shifted from single investment, single investment to joint investment or regional supporting investment and development. Infrastructure, energy and transportation are becoming hot spots for foreign investment. At the same time, the following consulting hot spots appeared during the process of introducing foreign capital: 1. Foreign credit investigation. In recent years, the number of fraud cases in foreign investment soared, and the phenomenon of substandard and high prices in equipment investment frequently occurred. In the recent three years, the national commodity inspection departments have appraised nearly 5,000 foreign-funded equipment and the declared value of foreign investors has reached 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. The actual value appraised by the commodity inspection authorities is 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, and the high rate of return is 22%. More and more domestic units are attracting investment
从这个角度看,学会把简单的事情复杂化,相当重要。一位新股民在朋友的鼓动下入市炒股。新股民并不了解股票,就请教朋友,怎么才能赚钱?朋友说, From this perspective, it is
英国诺丁汉大学的问卷调查发现,那些肺活量较大的人平均每隔一天就会吃西红柿,番茄的好处远不只这些。番茄一向被誉为男性前列腺的保护伞,还是夏季最好 A questionnaire sur