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“强横不讲理;蛮横。”这是现代汉语词典对于霸道一词的解释,顾名思义,看见这个词就能联想那威猛、凶横的形象。从词性上看,霸道一词从贬义方面看,难免不和恶霸、土匪、强盗挂上钩,但其实换个角度看,这人要是适当地霸道一些,还是很有益处的。就拿足球来说,霸道是顶尖球队、球员所应具备的基本素质之一,既然想当老大,就要学会霸道一些,要能够镇得住,别遇见软柿子就捏,碰见强的就作揖,那不叫老大,叫秘书。 要说在足球场上的位置里,最需要霸道的是门将和裁判,作为球队的最后一道防线,门将非常关键,他要指挥后防,要阻挡对方的进攻,那要是没有股蛮横不讲理拼命的气势还真不行,对方潮水似的攻势一上来,就先垮了,那还守什么们啊,直接回家抱孩子吧。还有就是裁判,他面对的对手最多,光场上就有22个,这其中什么人没有啊,明星、耍脾气的、不讲理的、甚至还有憋着劲揍裁判的,想想看,这黑衣法官也不好当啊,可那有什么办法,该吹还得吹,别管他是谁,这要有股蛮横劲,那帮“混球”还真没什么脾气,惹急了老子一张红牌让你下去。 不光是他们两类需要霸道,其他队员也都需要这股子气质,但还得把握好这个度,万一要是过头了,那就成了足球场上的无赖了,那就等着纪律委员会的罚单吧,就等着被炒鱿鱼吧!要做好这方面,需要注意的? “Tyrannical unreasonable; rude.” This is an explanation of the word hegemony in the modern Chinese dictionary, as the name implies, to see the word can think of that mighty, fierce image. From the part of the word, overbearing terms from the perspective of derogatory, it is inevitable not bully, banditry, robbers hooked, but in fact, from a different perspective, this person if properly hegemony some, or very useful. Take football, overbearing is the top team, the players should have one of the basic qualities, since you want to be boss, we must learn how to domineering, to be able to live in the town, do not meet the soft persimmon pinch, met strong For 揖, that is not called the boss, called the secretary. To say that in the football field position, the most hegemonic is the goalkeeper and referee, as the team’s last line of defense, the goalkeeper is crucial, he must command the defense, to stop the other’s offensive, that if there is no barbaric unreasonable Desperately imposing manner is not enough, the other side of the tide like the offensive, the first collapse, then what to keep ah, go home and hold the child directly. There is a referee, he faces the most opponents, the light field there are 22, of which no one ah, star, temper, unreasonable, and even simmering hit the referee, think about it , This black judge is not good ah, but then there is any way, the blow had to blow, do not control who he is, it should be quite aggressive, those gangsters really no temper, provoked Laotie one Zhang red card let you go. Not only the two of them need overbearing, other team members also need this share of temperament, but have to grasp the degree, if it is over, it became a rogue on the football field, and then waiting for the tickets of the Disciplinary Committee Right, wait for being fired! To do this, you need to pay attention?
目前,我国行政单位存在着经费不足,支出居高不下,预算缺口较大的突出问题。笔者认为,解决这个问题的主要办法,除了精兵简政、 At present, there are prominent problems i