
来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oklizheng
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为了充分利用体育场地,又不影响场地的整体美观,现将一种简单新颖的排球柱制作方法介绍如下: 一、所需材料 1.钢管:直径80毫米,长2780毫米的钢管两根。 2.铁片:厚度为5毫米,长300毫米,宽85毫米的铁片8块。 3.直径5毫米的铁钩14个。二、制作方法 1.把8块铁片分别焊在两根钢管下部四周,形成正方形,注意铁片与钢管之间必须焊牢(见图1)。 2.把14个铁钩制作成“?”形,分别按少年、成人男女网高标准焊到两根钢管上,焊时注意与下部的正方形垂直(见图2)。 3.按排球场地标准,用水泥铸出两个深300毫米、宽88毫米,与钢管下部相应大小的垂直方洞(见图3),注意做好盖子,避免杂物进入。排球柱应垂直于中线。 In order to make full use of the sports grounds without affecting the overall beauty of the site, a simple and novel way to make a volleyball column is described as follows: 1. Required materials 1. Steel pipe: Two steel pipes with a diameter of 80 mm and a length of 2780 mm. 2. Iron sheet: 8 pieces of iron sheet 5 mm in thickness, 300 mm in length, and 85 mm in width. 3. 14 hooks with a diameter of 5 mm. Second, the production method 1. The eight pieces of iron were welded to the bottom of the two steel pipes around the square to form a square, pay attention to iron and steel pipe must be welded firmly (see Figure 1). 2. The 14 iron hooks are made into “?” shape, welded to two steel pipes according to the juvenile and adult net height standards for men and women, respectively, and the vertical square is perpendicular to the lower square (see Figure 2). 3. According to the volleyball court standard, cast two vertical square holes 300 mm deep and 88 mm wide with the corresponding size of the lower part of the steel pipe (see Figure 3). Pay attention to the lid and avoid the entrance of sundries. The volleyball column should be perpendicular to the midline.
选题:整体把握,抓“神”明旨。给材料作文的材料如诗文、图画、名言警句、寓言典故、新闻轶事等都有其主旨。例如下列三则材料: (一)“蚕一生食桑约十五斤,吐丝一钱;蜂采花
为了大面积提高教学质量,我作了下面的一些尝试: 一、针对学生际实情况,采用分层次教学法每接一个班,我都先了解和测试学生的智力发展情况和知识水平,然后从学生的实际出发
英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔在其政治寓言《动物庄园》中说,动物庄园里的法律是“所有动物一律平等,但有些动物比其他动物更加平等”。 In his political fable “Animal Mano
读下面的小诗,完成两道作文题(诗附后)。 (1)给同龄人朋友写一封信,转述这首诗的基本内容。要求:①不要超过500字;②称呼用×××代替, Read the following poems and comp