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日前,记者从广州市劳动和社会保障局获悉,政府为了保障老职工的权益,在制定养老、医疗、失业等政策时给予适当照顾,但部分老职工却滥用权利,打政策的“擦边球”主动失业,不但可以得到企业给的一次性补偿金,更有理由领取最长达两年的失业保险金,而且到退休年龄还可以照样领取退休金。与企业串通你好我也好广州王女士所在企业转制时她刚好46岁,有着28年工龄的她领取了近12万元的经济补偿金。后来王女士在一家私企找到了工作,并一年一年地签定劳动合同,最后一次劳动合同期满后,王女士却主动地向老板提出不再签定劳动合同,也不需要企业为其缴纳社会保险了,条件是企业在解除劳动关系通知书上,注明是由于企业原因致使合同期满不再续签。老板想想不用购买社保可以节 Recently, the reporter learned from the Guangzhou Labor and Social Security Bureau that in order to protect the rights and interests of veterans, the government gave due care to them when formulating policies on old-age care, medical care and unemployment. However, some old workers abused their rights and played a part in “ ”Proactive unemployment can not only get a one-time compensation from enterprises, but also more reason to receive unemployment insurance benefits up to two years, and retirement benefits can still be paid in the same way. Colloquially, hello to business, I am good. When Ms. Wang is in Guangzhou, she is just 46 years old. She has 28 years of service and receives nearly 120,000 yuan of financial compensation. Later, Ms. Wang found a job in a private enterprise and signed the labor contract year by year. After the last labor contract expired, Ms. Wang took the initiative to ask the boss not to sign the labor contract and did not need the enterprise for it Pay social insurance, provided that the notice of termination of labor relations in the enterprise, indicating that due to business reasons that the contract is no longer renewed. Think about the boss do not have to buy social security can be section
目的 探讨醒脑静联合丁苯酞治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效及其对神经功能的影响.方法 选取赤壁市中医院2018年8月—2019年7月收治的急性脑梗死患者80例,按照不同疗法分为对照组与
目的 观察补肾健脾泄浊方治疗脾肾阳虚型慢性肾衰竭(CRF)患者的临床效果.方法 选取2017年2月-2018年2月湖北省钟祥市长安医院收治的脾肾阳虚型CRF患者60例,采用随机数表法分