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近年来,学界致力于马克思学说对欧洲近代思想传统尤其是启蒙传统的出离与批判关系的探讨。不过,其中的一个基本问题,即马克思对古典自由主义的批判及其思想史效应,并没有得到清理和分析。本文的探讨将表明:马克思对古典自由主义进行政治批判以及日益自觉的政治经济学批判的学术基础,建基并贯穿于对空想社会主义、德国古典哲学以及当时诸多思想流派的批判,并且连同这一系列批判,构成了马克思唯物史观及其科学社会主义的观念史前提。马克思从青年时期对古典自由主义的信奉,到《德法年鉴》时期对古典自由主义的政治批判,再到《1844年经济学手稿》初步展开并 In recent years, the academic community has been devoted to discussing the departure and criticism of the Marxist theory on the modern European tradition of thought, especially the enlightenment tradition. However, one of the basic problems is that Marx’s criticism of classical liberalism and the effect of his ideological history have not been cleared up and analyzed. This article will show that: Marx’s academic critique of the political criticism of classical liberalism and increasingly conscious political economy, based on and throughout the utopian socialism, the German classical philosophy and many schools of thought at the time of criticism, and together with this A series of critiques constitute the preconditions of Marxist historical materialism and its concept of scientific socialism. From Marx’s belief in classical liberalism in his youth to the political criticism of classical liberalism in the “German-Almanac Yearbook”, and then to the initial implementation of the “Economic Manuscripts 1844”
占人口一半的女性,缓慢地,有时又明显地开始找到属于自己的声音。 Women, who make up half of the population, slowly and sometimes clearly begin to find their own vo
颂我佳辰事,万众喜长吟。巨龙从此腾起,四海水云深。锐志革新除旧,遥望前程展秀,隆盛属当今。科 Ode to my good cicadas, all the hi long Yin. The dragon soared, the s
伟业喜承十月先,奋飞相续八十年。 党旗指路拯华夏,浴血雪耻扫敌顽。 四化宏图歌舜曰,三步战略颂尧天。 Albert CHOW Cheng first in October, Fenfei followed eight deca