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建国后,中国扬琴演奏技法在继承传统、取其精华和吸收、借鉴姊妹乐器技巧等方面,都有了新的突破和创新。技巧飞跃发展,逐步形成了规范化、系统化的技法体系,使现代扬琴的表现力得到极大拓展。1.滑抹音此技法是郑宝恒先生首创,对体现音响的独特 After the founding of New China, the performance techniques of Chinese dulcimer have made new breakthroughs and innovations in inheriting the tradition, taking its essence and absorbing and learning from the techniques of sister musical instruments. Skill leaps and bounds, and gradually formed a standardized and systematic skills system, the performance of modern dulcimer has been greatly expanded. 1. Smelly sound This technique is Mr. Zheng Baoheng first, on the unique sound
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