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我小时候就喜欢画画,每次上美术课,都非常喜悦。后来,在部队还画过不少墙报、板报,画过幻灯片,搞过展览。如今退休了,有了充足的时间,便想把绘画重新学起来。于是,我参加了民政部离退休干部局举办的书画培训班,经过一年多学习,它不仅让我收获乐趣,还让我有了许多人生感悟。绘画可以静心养性。画画时,需绝虑凝神,消除杂念,一心追求墨迹的完美、画面的好看,这会使大脑平静、入神。所以,这无疑是一种很好 When I was a kid, I liked to draw, and every time I was in art class, I was very happy. Later, in the army has also painted a lot of posters, board newspaper, painted slides, engage in exhibitions. Now retired, with sufficient time, they want to learn painting again. So, I participated in the painting and calligraphy training class organized by the Retired Cadre Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. After more than a year of study, it not only made me happy, but also made me feel many life experiences. Painting can be meditative and nourishing. Paintings, the need to defy God, eliminate distractions, bent on the pursuit of the perfect ink, the picture looks good, which will make the brain calm, into the gods. So, this is undoubtedly a good one
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