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在世界反法西斯战争的历史进程中,中国人民抗日战争开展时间最早、持续时间最长,中国战场作为抗击法西斯的东方主战场,对日本侵略者的彻底覆灭起到了决定性作用。因此,中国人民抗日战争不仅对中华民族的解放意义重大,而且对拯救人类文明、保卫世界和平意义重大。无论当时还是现在,外国的有识之士都非常关注、高度肯定中国人民抗日战争。有些外国人士当时正在中国,中国人民的不屈抵抗、中国共产党在战争中发挥的中流砥柱作用,都 In the course of the history of the world’s anti-fascist war, the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan was first launched with the longest duration and the battlefield of China as the main battlefield in the east against Fascism played a decisive role in the complete destruction of the Japanese aggressors. Therefore, the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan is of great significance not only for the liberation of the Chinese nation, but also for the salvation of human civilization and the safeguarding of the world peace. No matter now or at present, the people of insight in foreign countries are very concerned about and highly affirmed the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan. Some foreigners were at that time in China, the unyielding resistance of the Chinese people and the mainstay of the Chinese Communist Party in the war. Both
AIM:To determine whether body weight and/or serumleptin were independent predictors of response toantiviral treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C.METH
In order to improve the interference rejection performance in the measurement ofaverage ion velocity by multi-grid probe,an integral expression is proposed.The
集束弹药的战场作用    集束弹药打击效率较高,可广泛用于对地面集群目标的打击。例如,必须要至少100枚航空炸弹才能摧毁的目标,只需1/10数量的集束弹药便能摧毁,而且其破坏效率也较高。典型的反坦克航空集束炸弹所含的炸药只有100克,而达到同等效果的高精度航空炸弹的战斗部重量不低于30千克,因此其广泛用于打击地面独立目标,或没有明显要害节点的面状目标。这些目标包括在跑道与机堡中的飞机、卡车、坦克、
结合工厂实际,介绍了对引信靶后炸点光电测试的方法。描述了用光电法对引信靶后炸点测试的系统组成和测试原理。 Combined with the actual plant, introduced fuze target