Numerical simulation of axial liquid film cooling in rocket combustor

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hejiashuo
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Numerical simulation has been done for liquid film cooling in liquid rocket combustor.Multiple species of axial Navier-Stokes equations have been solved for liquid-film / hot-gas flow field,and k-εequations have been used for compressible turbulent flow.The results of the model agree well with the results of software FLUENT.The results show that :(1) Liquid film can decrease the wall heat flux and temperature effectively,and the cold border area formed by the film covers the whole combustor and nozzle wall.(2) The turbulent viscosity is higher than the physical viscosity,and its biggest value is in the border area of the convergent area in nozzle.The effect of turbulent flow on the whole simulation field can not be ignored.(3) The mass fraction of kerosene at the film inlet is 1,but it decreases along the nozzle wall and achieves its lowest value at the outlet.However,the mass fraction of kerosene near the wall is the biggest at any axial location. Numerical simulation has been done for liquid film cooling in liquid rocket combustor. Multiple species of axial Navier-Stokes equations have been solved for liquid-film / hot-gas flow field, and k-εequations have been used for compressible turbulent flow.The results of the model agree well with the results of software FLUENT.The results show that: (1) Liquid film can decrease the wall heat flux and temperature effectively, and the cold border area formed by the film covers the whole combustor and nozzle wall. ( 2) The turbulent viscosity is higher than the physical viscosity, and its biggest value is in the border area of ​​the convergent area in nozzle. The effect of turbulent flow on the whole simulation field can not be ignored. (3) The mass fraction of kerosene at the film inlet is 1, but it decreases along the nozzle wall and achieves its lowest value at the outlet. However, the mass fraction of kerosene near the wall is the biggest at any axial location.
一、晚清护侨的主要方式(一)立约保护1860年,中英两国签定了《北京条约》,这就为立约保护华工奠定了基础。 First, the main methods of overseas Chinese in the late Qing