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倒退行走不仅具有活动筋骨、锻炼肌肉、畅通气血、防治疾病、调养精神、增强体质等各种功能,还因为它调动了平时不动的肌肉,使血液循环得以改善,防治肩背酸痛、老年驼背,因此受到越来越多的中老人的喜爱。我也是其中的一员。 遥想当年我练习倒退行走是“逼上梁山”。那时,我第一至第四腰椎骨质增生,整个脊椎连同肩关节 Backward walking not only has the activities of bones and muscles, smooth blood, prevent disease, nursed back to health, enhance physical fitness and other functions, but also because it mobilizes the usual fixed muscles, blood circulation can be improved to prevent shoulder pain, the elderly Humpback, so more and more loved by middle-aged people. I am also one of them. Back then I practiced retrogressive walking is “forced on the beam.” At that time, my first to fourth lumbar spine hyperplasia, the entire spine together with the shoulder joint
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提出了一种适合能源计量的通信结构及其协议,介绍了通信结构的形式、功能和通信思想,同时简述了上位机和下位机实现问题。 A communication structure and protocol suitable
重庆大学人文艺术学院2001级学生作品选 College of Arts and Humanities, Chongqing University 2001 student selection
我不知将文怀沙先生列入书法家这个行列中是否妥当,因为文老在中国当代是大名鼎鼎的人物,其艺术成就是多方面的。先生虽不是书法家,但是当 I do not know whether it is ap
AnalysisoftheSpherical-CircularPatchAntenna¥LiaoChengenandLiuQing(Xi'anInstituteofPostsandTelecommunications,Xi'an,710061,P.R... AnalysisoftheSpherical-CircularPatchAntenna ¥ LiaoChengenandLiuQing (Xi’an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an,