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此时我站在卧室的窗前,望着远处的几棵树。当我住在一座有院有树有菜园的平房时,我真希望自己能早日住上楼房,像周围的同事、曾经的邻居们一样。耗费精力,耗尽财力之后,终于有了两室一厅的一套住房。于是每日里只在水泥路、柏油路、灰渣路和自己家的瓷砖、地板上走过,我的双脚再难接触到真正意义上的泥土,一度我如乍穿花鞋高抬脚般窃喜不已。毕竟曾经的家居地,每逢雨天让我发愁的那段必经泥路在我旧日的生活里留下了太多的阴影。然而这样每日里欣欣然的日子竟没有过多久。当我的被子只能伏在阳台,探出身子晒晒太阳,当我刚洗过的衣服只能经过甩干筒后悬在厨房的一条绳上晾干时,我便很想念住在平房时,夏日里在小水井边洗衣晾衣的那段时光。我们免去了冬日早起去公共厕所排队的烦恼,每月的水费收据上让我咂舌不已的数字不止是钱款的数目,更多 At this point I stood in the bedroom window, looking at a few trees in the distance. When I lived in a bungalow with a garden and a vegetable garden, I really hoped that I could live in an apartment sooner rather than later. Like my colleagues and former neighbors. Spend energy, depleting financial resources, and finally have a two-bedroom apartment housing. So every day only in the cement road, asphalt, ash road and their own home ceramic tile, the floor, my feet hard to come into contact with the real sense of the soil, once I wear shoes, for instance, Like to steal joy endless. After all, once home, every rainy day let me worry about that part of the road must have left too much shadow in my old life. However, how long was this happy day in Rishin daily? When my quilt was only on the balcony, leaning out of the body and basking in the sun, when the clothes I just washed were dried by a rope hanging from the kitchen after drying the drum, , Summer clothes washing clothes in the small wells that period of time. We have waived the annoyance of queuing up for public toilets in the early morning hours of winter, and the number of monthly receipts on water bills made me more talkative than the money
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在四月中旬召开的“全球中学校长研讨会”上,东道主华中师范大学一附中起用本校十多名教师当翻译——一名专业翻译也没请! 这是一件颇有意义的事。一是尊重了人才,起用“没见
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