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近年来我国民族地区危机的频发度与危害的严重性均呈上升趋势,已经明显阻碍了该地区的经济发展乃至社会稳定。本文在对我国民族地区危机表现形态、特征与产生原因等方面特殊性深入考察的基础上,试图提出构建民族地区危机管理体系的基本思路。认为该体系的构建既需要发挥政府的主导作用,又不能单靠外援式或政府强制式推进,而应将民族传统文化与现代高科技相结合,发挥民族文化多样性优势,发掘和利用民间传统智慧,让民族地区的危机管理成为内源式的危机管理。 In recent years, the severity of the crisis and the severity of the crisis in ethnic areas in our country have been on an upward trend, which has obviously hindered the economic development in the region and even social stability. Based on an in-depth investigation of the particularities of crisis manifestation, characteristics and causes of crisis in ethnic areas in our country, this article attempts to put forward the basic idea of ​​building a crisis management system in minority areas. He believes that the construction of the system not only needs to play the leading role of the government but also can not be based on foreign aid or government coercion alone. Instead, it should combine national traditional culture with modern high technology, give full play to the advantages of ethnic cultural diversity, and explore and utilize folk traditions Wisdom, so that crisis management in ethnic areas as an endogenous crisis management.
2003年7月14日,316国道97KM+500M处发生一起车祸,一辆建瓯开往石狮的大巴坠入120米深的山谷,造成14人当场死亡、6人受伤的特大交通事 On July 14, 2003, a car accident oc
I have a wonderful friend.She is very important in my life.She is helpful.I can learn from her.She teaches me a lot of knowledge.Sometimes she makes me laugh,an
<正> 一、概要去年3月上旬,我厂在FU-7生产中,发现阴极大批中毒,致使全线停产。经过反复试验,证明玻壳料中含氟化物,影响阴极中毒,并减低电子管寿命。实践证明电子管内云母片