发扬光大党管 武装优良传统

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本期发表陕西榆林地委书记高仰秀、行署专员马铁山和江西金溪县委书记颜赣辉、山东阳信县委书记刘致兴情系武装、坚持党管武装的原则的报道,值得一读。在发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,他们发扬光大党管武装优良传统,兼任军分区和县(市、区)人武部党委第一书记,做到在其位,谋其政,尽其职,负其责,带头弘扬了党管武装的光荣传统,受到当地群众普遍赞誉。 民兵是群众武装,民兵工作是一项群众性很强的军事工作。因此,除了受军事系统的领导外,还要受各级地方党委的领导。只有这样,民兵工作才能同地方其他各项工作密切结合,围绕当地的经济工作顺利进行。正如党中央有关文件指出的:整个民兵建设工作必须由各级地方党委切实掌握起来,不能只交由军事系统去单独管理,因为民兵工作仍然是地方群众工作很重要的一部分,这一部分工作必须依靠地方党委的领导,与全部地方工作取得密切配合,才能做好。加强地方党委对民兵工作的领导,也是为了更好地贯彻党管武装的原则,保证民兵武装置于中国共产党的绝对领导之下。所以,党中央、国务院和中央军委对加强地方党委对民兵工作的领导,历来十分重视。早在1964年,毛泽东主席在党中央政治局常委会上曾强调指出:地方党委要管军事、管民兵,不能只管文不管武,只管钱不管枪。因 In this issue, Gao Yangxiu, secretary of Shaanxi Yulin Party Committee, Ma Tieshan, executive commissioner of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee, and Yan Ganhui, secretary of Jiangxi Jinxi County, and Liu Chih-Hsing, secretary of Shandong Yangxin County CPC Committee, are both armed and insist on the principle of controlling the armed forces. Under the new situation of developing the socialist market economy, they have carried forward the fine tradition of armed party management and served as the first party secretary of the armed forces ministries and commissions in the military sub-regions and counties (cities and districts) so that they should take their respective duties, Bear the blame, take the lead in carrying forward the glorious tradition of the party’s armed forces, and are generally praised by local people. The militia are armed with the masses and the militia work is a very popular military exercise. Therefore, in addition to the leadership of the military system, they are also subject to the leadership of local party committees at all levels. Only in this way can the militia work closely with all other local work and work smoothly around the local economic work. As the relevant document of the Central Party Committee pointed out, the entire militia building must be effectively controlled by local Party committees at all levels and not be managed by the military system alone. Because militia work remains a very important part of local mass work, this part of work must rely on The leadership of local Party committees can work well with all local work. The strengthening of the leadership of the local Party committees in the work of the militia also serves to better implement the principle of armed forces under the party’s control and ensure that militia forces are placed under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China. Therefore, the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission have always attached great importance to strengthening the leadership of the local party committees in the militia work. As early as 1964, Chairman Mao Zedong emphasized at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee: Local party committees must take charge of military affairs and militias. because
2月12日,省委办公厅、省委党史研究室在福州温泉宾馆隆重召开纪念郭化若将军诞辰95周年座谈会,来自省直机关、大专院校的50多位干部、学者参加了会儿 省委副书记习近平在会