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二十世纪六十年代以来,随着科学技术的进步,工业的发达,世界各国对大自然的毁灭性的开发,导致了生态平衡的严重破坏,自然灾害日趋严重。大气层的污染已使酸雨成为严重的生态灾难;人们毁坏森林、草原,筑路、垦荒开矿,使水土大量流失、气候反常。这个国家连年干旱,那个地区洪水泛滥,森林大火、飓风、冰雹,自然灾害之频繁,实为历史上罕见。而人类生存环境的污染和破坏又导致人的灵魂的“污染”。面对人类生活的这种严酷现实,苏联的一些明哲诗人无不忧心忡忡、陷入沉思,尔(?)又化满腔的忧虑和愤懑为有预见的哲理抒情诗篇。这些诗人以其敏锐的感觉,意识到人类所热爱和赖以生存的地球母亲正处于被践踏和 Since the 1960s, with the advancement of science and technology and the development of industry, the devastating development of nature in various countries in the world has led to serious damage to the ecological balance and the natural disasters have become increasingly serious. Atmospheric pollution has caused acid rain to become a serious ecological disaster; people destroy forests, grasslands, road construction and reclamation and mining so that water and soil are largely lost and the climate is anomalous. The drought in this country year after year, floods in that area, frequent forest fires, hurricanes, hail and natural disasters are rare in history. The pollution and destruction of human living environment in turn lead to the “pollution” of human soul. Faced with this harsh reality of human life, some of the brightly-beaten poets in the Soviet Union are full of worries, thoughts, and worries and indignation as predictable philosophical lyric poems. With their keen sense, these poets are aware that the Earth Mother, whom mankind loves and depends on, is being trampled upon
笔者总结了1979年1月至1981年10月间,本院住院肝硬化27例和原发性肝癌(肝癌)17例的细胞免疫与体液免疫功能。 The author summarized the cellular immunity and humoral i
我院从1971年元月至1980年12月,10年共手术治疗甲状腺癌(以下简称甲癌)120例。同期收治甲状腺结节患者总数1074例,甲癌占11.2%。性别与病理分型关系(见下表) In our hospita
近年来,随着App Store、Twitter开放平台的推出,第三方应用市场变得炙手可热。由第三方开发的软硬件应用,更广泛地兼容用户的系统,不仅使得厂家的硬件、平台更受追捧,于此同