
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gymc2009
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青少年学生违法犯罪事件时有发生,而且呈上升趋势及低龄化、团伙化、危害程度严重化趋势,形势比较严峻。中学生是国家的未来和希望,他们正处在生理、心理的生长发育阶段,具有极强的可塑性。从小培养中学生法律意识,进行法律素质培养教育,不仅可以预防和减少学生违法犯罪,更重要的是可以促使他们养成依法办事、遵纪守法的良好习惯,促进他们的健康成长。中学教育中实施法制教育的渠道有很多,但课堂教学是实施中小学法制教育的主渠道。因此,教师在向学生传授知识的同时,应当充分挖掘里面的教育因素,把握时机,适时适度渗 Juvenile students’ crimes occur from time to time, and they are on the rise, with younger ages, gangs, and a greater degree of harm. The situation is more severe. Middle school students are the country’s future and hope. They are in the stage of physiological and psychological growth and development, and they have extremely strong plasticity. Cultivating middle school students’ legal awareness and training legal literacy from an early age can not only prevent and reduce student crimes, but more importantly it can promote them to develop good habits of acting in accordance with the law and observing the law, and promoting their healthy growth. There are many channels for implementing legal education in secondary education, but classroom teaching is the main channel for the implementation of legal education in primary and secondary schools. Therefore, while teachers are imparting knowledge to students, they should fully explore the educational factors in them and seize the opportunity to achieve proper exposure at the right time.
自1987年Mouret等完成首例腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)以来,LC已经逐渐应用于急性胆囊炎,但中转开腹的比例明显高于择期LC,主要原因是为了避免胆管和血
目的 探讨宫、腹腔镜联合应用在诊治输卵管性不孕中的价值.方法 对66例130条输卵管(2例既往一侧输卵管妊娠切除)经子宫输卵管碘油造影(HSG)证实为输卵管性不孕的患者,行宫、
目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(1aparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)中肝外胆道异常的诊断及处理。方法1999年10月~2008年6月1216例LC中,发现15例(1.2%)胆道解剖异常。3例胆囊管异常粗、短,开