城乡统筹试点锁定重庆 四川率先付诸行动

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就在重庆市摩拳擦掌即将于今年6月18日直辖10周年时一举拿下继浦东、滨海后全国第三个综合改革试验区——国家级城乡统筹发展综改实验区之时,4月24日,四川省统筹城乡经济社会发展工作会议以组织参会代表赴农村参观考察的形式拉开序幕。会上,四川省委书记杜青林就推进全省城乡统筹工作做出全面部署,杜青林强调,要加强试点示范,力争把成都列入国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试点区。这次会议是四川省借4月初国家发改委在成都召开全国统筹城乡发展综合配套改革座谈会东风召开的国内目前第一个省级城乡统筹工作专题会议。舆论认为,四川在统筹城乡发展方面已经摆开与重庆赛跑的阵势。 On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the direct jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China on June 18 this year, China will win the third comprehensive reform pilot zone in the whole country after Pudong and Binhai, the national comprehensive experimental zone for urban and rural development. On April 24 , Sichuan Province, urban and rural economic and social development work conference to organize participants to rural areas to visit the form of kicked off. At the meeting, Du Qinglin, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, made a comprehensive plan to promote overall planning of urban and rural areas in the province. Du Qinglin stressed the need to strengthen pilot projects and strive to include Chengdu in the national pilot area for comprehensive reform of urban and rural areas. This meeting is the first provincial-level special meeting for urban and rural planning in Sichuan Province held by the State Development and Reform Commission in early April in Chengdu where the National Coordination Committee for Comprehensive Urban-Rural Development Reform was held. Public opinions hold that Sichuan has laid off the race against Chongqing in the overall planning of urban and rural development.
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