,Annual Variation and Global Structures of The DE3 Tide

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edward109
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The SABER/TIMED temperatures taken in 2002-2006 are used to delineate the tidal signals in the middle and upper atmosphere. Then the Hough mode decomposition is applied with the DE3 tide, and the overall features of the seasonal variations and the complete global structures of the tide are observed. Investigation results show that the tide is most prominent at 110km with the maximal amplitude of > 9K, and exhibits significant seasonal variation with its maximum amplitude always occurring in July every year. Results from the Hough mode decomposition reveal that the tide is composed primarily of two leading propagating Hough modes, i.e., the (-3, 3) and the (-3, 4) modes, thus is equatorially trapped. Estimation of the mean amplitude of the Hough modes show that the (-3, 3) mode and (-3, 4) mode exhibit maxima at 110 km and 90 kin, respectively. The (-3, 3) mode plays a predominant role in shaping the global latitude-height structure of the tide, e.g., the vertical scale of > 50 km at the equator, and the annual course. Significant influence of the (-3, 4) mode is found below 90kin, where the tide exhibits anti-symmetric structure about the equator; meanwhile the tide at northe tropical latitudes exhibits smaller vertical wavelength of about 30 kin.
前不久,与一家长闲聊,谈及现在的孩子往往以自我为中心,不太在乎父母的感受,甚至忽视父母的存在。笔者作为以教师为职业的家长,对此深有感触。现今,不少孩子面对父母的爱习以为常,在他们看来父母的爱是天经地义,因此而理所当然地享受着这份爱,心里却未怀有一丝感恩。班上的孩子在此方面如何呢?  我觉得很有必要在班上落实感恩教育,可一时却不知何处切入。一天,读到一份“特殊的考卷”,该试卷分为A、B面,A面的内容
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