
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oncecao
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Objective To investigate effect of behavior and rehabilitation management on non-organic sexual incompetence in men.Method Men with non-organic sexual incompetence recruited from February 1995 through May 2000 received“ five-step” behavior and rehabilitation management.Among them,142 suffered from erection disorder(ED) and 156 from prospermia.Result Effective rate was 4.2% , cure rate was 50.7% and utility rate was 28.2% of behavior rehabilitative treatment on ED; Effective rate was 24.4% , cure rate was 40.4% and utility rate was 25.6% of behavior rehabilitative treatment on prospermia.Total effective rate was 14.8% ,total utility rate was 26.8% and total cure rate was 45.3% .Conclusion Behavior and rehabilitation management is safe and effective for non-organic sexual incompetence in men.
目的观察多发伤并严重感染患者血中内毒素(LPS)、一氧化氮(NO)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)变化及探讨大黄煎剂的治疗作用. 方法 75例多发伤并严重感染患者随机分为治疗组和对照组:对照组(38例)应用常规治疗;治疗组(37例)在常规治疗的基础上,自第4天起应用大黄煎剂(100 ml,口服,2次/d)治疗.观察两种方法治疗后LPS、NO、IL-6的变化. 结果 (1)两组患者血中3项指标均明显升高
摘要:本文对我国的水利工程中混凝土防渗施工技术作了归纳,可以看出我国混凝土防渗在降低造价、提高防渗性能等技术上,近十几年来的取得重大发展。   关键词: 混凝土防渗;混凝土强度;防渗技术  Abstract: In this paper the water conservancy project in the concrete in the construction technique of s
摘要: “图外三谈谐波”共三文:“一谈”为“概述”、“二谈”为“治理措施”、“三谈”为“讨论及建议”,总体给出谐波的整体轮廓及综合治理的理念。本文系首篇,首先从概念、度量及限值三方面奠定讨论谐波的基础;接着从三方面分析了谐波的产生;最后介绍谐波的四方面危害。  此“图外三谈谐波”为继“图外谈照明”、“图外再谈照明”的姊妹篇,亦系沉思指导实践环节教学,以“图外谈设计”形式,倡“弹指CAD,勿忘据理论
摘 要:履带式起重机由于履带对公路路面的损害,严禁在公路上行驶,因此大型履带吊在转场时必须拆解转运,本文从保证大型履带吊的安全拆解和安全运输着手从而保证大型履带吊的安全转场。  关键词:大型履带吊;拆解;运输;转场  Abstract: This article from the guarantee of large crawler cranes safety dismantling and tr
目的探讨体外循环或非体外循环下冠状动脉搭桥和激光心肌打孔治疗冠心病时围手术期炎症因子变化的特点,为冠心病围手术期的临床治疗提供参考. 方法测定37例冠心病患者及10例
Objective To investigate the advantage of external fixator in treatment of unstable intra-articular fracture of distal radius and important of rehabilitation tr