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瓶颈产业资金叫紧,这是经济发展过程中的一种普遍现象.不同的行业,都各有苦哀,对此,有的叫苦连天,怨声载道;有的消极等待,任其自然;而有的却深入思考,刨根究底,积极寻找对策,以图早日解除症结.陕西省电力建设投资开发公司总经理郭永平,以积极进取、认真负责的态度,摆事实、讲道理,透过现象看本质,从一个行业、一个地区出发,努力探求解决问题的方法和有效途径,其精神是难能可贵的.他提出的机制问题,东西部价格水平的剪刀差问题,以及对西部地区倾斜政策的兑现问题,是值得引起有关方面注意的.他期待政策的阳光惠泽西部,呼唤各方的大力支持,均在情理之中.此文在初看时我拿不准,反复看后认为这是一篇行业经济与金融结合很好的文章.虽然文中只字未提金融支持,但作者和被采访者的论点中心就是:制约电力这个瓶颈产业发展的“瓶颈”是资金,是资金管理和运行体制与机制.仅这一点就很好了,因为在现代经济条件下,资金的运动,离开银行,简直是难以想象的,因此,决定将这篇具有宏观指导意义的文章刊出来.我们的金融研究者和操作者,还可以顺着文章的思路,作些更进一步的文章,提出符合陕西实际的促进我省电力工业发展的金融对策来. Bottlenecks in the bottleneck industry are clamoring for this. This is a common phenomenon in the economic development process. Different industries have their own misery. For this, some have complained and complained, others complained; some passively waited and let it be natural; while others did In-depth thinking, thorough research, and actively seeking solutions to resolve the problem at an early date. Guo Yongping, general manager of Shaanxi Provincial Electric Power Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd., takes a proactive and earnest and responsible attitude, puts the facts, stresses reason, and looks at the nature through phenomena. The spirit of an industry and a region to explore ways to solve problems and effective approaches is commendable. The question of the mechanism proposed by him, the issue of the scissors price difference between the eastern and western prices, and the question of the policy of tilting the western region are worthy of causing. The attention of relevant parties. He hopes that the policy of sunshine will benefit the west and calls for strong support from all parties. It is reasonable. At the beginning of this article, I am not sure. After repeated reading, I think this is an industry economy and finance. Combining very good articles. Although there is no mention of financial support in the text, the center point of the arguments of the author and the interviewee is: The “bottleneck” that restricts the development of the bottleneck industry of electric power is funds. Fund management and operating systems and mechanisms. This alone is good, because under the modern economic conditions, the movement of funds, leaving the bank is simply unimaginable, so it was decided to publish this macro-instructive article. Our financial researchers and operators can follow the article’s thinking to make some further articles and propose financial countermeasures that are in line with Shaanxi’s reality to promote the development of the province’s power industry.
眉山县崇仁磷肥厂是一家具有良好信誉的化工企业,具有雄厚的实力,年生产磷钾肥5万吨,复合肥2万吨,编织厂年产产品400万平方米,红砖厂年牛产红砖15000000块。 Meishan Chong
北京重型电机厂,国家大型一档企业,位列全国大型火力发电设备制造企业之四; 全国现场管理先进企业; 全国五一奖状获得单位; 获北京市质量管理奖; 获北京市思想政治工作先进