
来源 :中国卫生质量管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjkdkfjkldsjk
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一、背景 随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,我们农村卫生院在新旧体制的转轨中,面临着各方面的挑战,生存与发展形势较为严峻。尤其是我们妙桥镇卫生院,地处个体经济相当发达的妙桥镇,卫生院面临的现实和潜在的生存与发展的危机更大。全院60名职工中,有80%左右的职工与羊毛衫的生产经营沾上了边;1990~1994年,全院有5名医务人员自动离职,从事个体经济,办起了羊毛衫加工场;有四名主治医师、一名医师、三名医士、三名护士、一名护师等12名医护人员相继调离我院,一时,广大职工人心浮动,上班的职工是身在曹营心在汉,再加上多年 I. Background With the establishment of the socialist market economic system, our rural hospitals face challenges in all aspects in the transition of the old and new systems, and the situation of survival and development is severe. In particular, our Miaoqiao Town Health Center is located in the town of Miaoqiao, where the individual economy is quite developed. The hospitals face greater realities and potential survival and development. Among the 60 employees in the hospital, about 80% of the workers and wool sweaters are affixed to the production and management; from 1990 to 1994, five medical personnel in the hospital automatically left the company and engaged in the individual economy. There are four doctors, a physician, three healers, three nurses, and a nursing nurse, etc. 12 doctors and nurses have been transferred from our hospital one after another. At one time, the staff and workers are floating, and the workers are in Cao. The heart of the camp is in the Han Dynasty, plus many years
我校免疫学研究所、上海华晨生物技术研究所曹雪涛教授等科研人员利用大规模 DNA测序技术 ,从人体重要的免疫细胞——树突状细胞的基因文库中 ,首次发现了一种新型免疫分子的
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
牛黄解毒片具有清热解毒之功效 ,为常用中成药并远销国外。按中国药典一部 (1995年版 ) [1] 所列处方及工艺 ,不同厂家如采用相同来源药材并按药典处方比例与工艺条件控制生
采用薄层扫描法测定了川木通的 4种植物茎水解液中齐墩果酸的含量 ,结果为 :小木通为 0 .0 6 4 9% ,粗齿铁线莲为 0 .0 389% ,钝萼铁线莲 0 .10 6 3% ,绣球藤 0 .0 6 82 %。
WHO已经建立了一个新的快速反应机构以便控制和预防世界范围内新的和复发疾病,也是为了扼制象前一年扎伊尔遭受的出血热流行暴发事件。 这一机构在接到疫情通知书24小时之内