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广州市委、市政府高度重视、全力支持民政工作,切实加强了民政工作的领导,充分发挥了民政部门参与政府各项工作,强化社会行政管理的职能,使优抚安置、社会福利、社区服务、城乡最低生活保障、社团登记管理及行政区划勘界等多项工作取得了全国和全省一流水平,为稳定社会和加强两个文明建设做出了较大的贡献.一、把民政工作摆上了党委和政府的重要议事日程一是广州市委常委会议、市政府常务会议每年都有一两次专门研究民政工作.如创建双拥模范城、社会治安综合治理、收容遣送等,市委常委每年都要召开一两次会议专题研究,提出任务要求.再如建立城镇最低生活保障制度、清理整顿基金会、筹建广州慈善医院等,市政府分别召开了常务会议、市长办公会议和现场会议研究决策.二是广州市委、市政府常务会议大多都要求民政部门派领导参加,让民政部门能够及时了解市委、市政府工作部署,使民政部门能配合中心积极开展各项工作.三是坚持三年开一次全市性民政工作会议,每年开一两次民政局长会议,市委、市政府领导出席会议和作重要讲话,既对民政工作的成绩给予肯定和鼓励,又对民政事业的发展提出更高的目标要求. Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Guangzhou Municipal Government attach great importance to and fully support civil affairs work and earnestly strengthen the leadership of civil affairs work. They have given full play to the functions of civil affairs departments in participating in government work and strengthening social administration so that special care and placement, social welfare, community service, urban and rural areas The minimum living allowances, the registration of community organizations and the demarcation of administrative divisions have achieved first-class national and provincial levels and made great contributions to stabilizing the society and strengthening the two civilizations. The important agenda of the party committees and governments First, the Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal Committee, the municipal government executive meeting once or twice a year specializes in civil affairs work .Such as creating a double support model city, comprehensive management of social order, detention and removal, the Municipal Standing Committee held every year One or two meetings of the special study, put forward the task requirements. Another example is the establishment of urban minimum living security system, clean up and reorganization of the Foundation, the preparation of Guangzhou Charity Hospital, the municipal government held a standing meeting, mayor office meetings and on-site meetings to study and make decisions. Most of the standing committees of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government requested the civil affairs department to send leaders to attend the meeting, So that civil affairs departments can keep abreast of the municipal government work arrangements, civil affairs departments to cooperate with the center to actively carry out the work .Three is to adhere to open a city-level civil affairs work conference in three years, one or two times a year to open the Bureau of Civil Affairs meeting, municipal Party committee, city The government leaders attending the conference and making important speeches not only affirm and encourage the achievements of the civil affairs work, but also set higher goals and requirements for the development of civil affairs.
加强防火安全教育,增强幼儿的防火意识,提高幼儿的防火自救能力,至关重要。原方案针对这一内容开展活动,有着积极的现实意义。但仔细研读原方案,我有以下不同见解:  首先,要注意防火自救安全教育的全面性。防火自救安全教育知识点多,信息量大,要让幼儿对此有全面了解,非一个教学活动能够完成,需通过主题系列活动才能达到相应的教育目的。  其次,活动方案本身应具可操作性和安全性。原方案通过让幼儿观看“明明家着火
罗梅浩,1956年生,河南省西平县人。1981年毕业于河南农业大学植物保护专业。现任河南农业大学植物保护学院昆虫学系主任、教授,河南省植保学会 Luo Meihao, born in 1956, X