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值此新年来临之际,我谨代表福建省台办,向台湾同胞,向关心福建省对台工作、支持闽台交流交往的同志们、朋友们致以节日的问候和新年的祝贸!去年年初,胡锦涛总书记来闽视察,对海峡两岸经济区建设和福建对台工作优势给予了充分肯定,提出了殷切期望。一年来,福建省认真贯彻中央对台方针政策,按照胡锦涛总书记的嘱托,立足海峡两岸经济区建设,着力发挥福建优势,积极先行先试,闽台交流交往呈现良好态势。台商投资福建势头良好,闽台农业合作迈出新步伐,福建沿海与金马澎直接往来不断拓展,福建居民赴金马地区旅游顺利推进,闽台文化交流广泛深入。特别是,福建省认真落实中央出台的惠及台湾同胞的有关政策,率先零关税进口台湾水果,设立台湾水果销售集散中心和台湾水产品集散中心,启动对台湾水果紧 On the occasion of the New Year approaching, I hereby, on behalf of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Fujian Province, extend my holiday greetings and the New Year’s wish to Taiwan compatriots and their friends and colleagues who are concerned about the work of Fujian Province on Taiwan and the exchanges and contacts between Fujian and Taiwan. Last year At the beginning of the year, General Secretary Hu Jintao visited Fujian to review and fully affirmed the construction of the economic zone on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the work of Fujian against Taiwan. He expressed ardent expectations. Over the past year, Fujian Province has conscientiously implemented the principles and guidelines of the Central Government on its work in Taiwan. Following the instructions from General Secretary Hu Jintao, Fujian Province has set its foot on the construction of the economic zone across the Taiwan Strait, made every effort to exert the advantages of Fujian and actively took the lead in pilot projects. The exchanges and contacts between Fujian and Taiwan have shown a good momentum. Fujian’s investment in Fujian Province has enjoyed a good momentum and a new pace of agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan has taken place. Direct links between Fujian’s coastal areas and Kinmen and Matsu have been continuously expanding. Fujian’s tourism to the Kinmen and Matsu provinces has been smoothly promoted and cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan have been extensively and in-depth. In particular, Fujian Province earnestly implemented the relevant policies promulgated by the Central Government that benefited Taiwan compatriots, took the lead in importing Taiwan fruits at zero tariffs, establishing the Taiwan fruit distribution center and Taiwan’s aquatic products distribution center,
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