充分发挥渔业优势 大力开发生产新领域

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1991年,在各级党政领导重视和广大水产干群的共同努力下,水产生产在战胜南旱北涝困难中持续前进。全省养殖水面534万亩,比上年增加4万多亩,水产品产量56万吨,比上年增长8%,并保持了持续发展的好势头。水产业已经被越来越多的领导和群众所重视和认识,作为一项农村调整经济和优化产业结构,增加农民收入的优先发展的生产行业来抓。洞庭湖区各地制订了一系列开发“兰色耕地”“耕水兴渔”的政策措施。1991年以来,农田水利建设、修塘改水,给渔业生产带来生机。尤其洞庭湖区新挖精养鱼塘形成了多年来未有的高潮,加上鱼货畅通,市场价格稳定,农产品生产中渔业效益相对较好,广大基层干部和农渔民生产积极性 In 1991, with the joint efforts of party and government leaders at all levels and the vast majority of aquatic cadres, aquatic products continued to advance in the fight against the floods in the south and north of the country. The province’s water surface of 534 mu, an increase of more than 40,000 mu over the previous year, aquatic product output 560,000 tons, an increase of 8% over the previous year, and maintained a good momentum of sustainable development. The aquaculture industry has been valued and recognized by more and more leaders and masses as a production industry that adjusts the economy and optimizes the industrial structure in the rural areas and increases the peasants’ incomes in priority. The Dongting Lake area has formulated a series of policies and measures for developing “cultivated land of blue color” and “rejuvenating the waters by farming.” Since 1991, farmland water conservancy construction, Xiantang water, bring fisheries production vitality. In particular, the newly dredged fish ponds in the Dongting Lake area have not yet reached the climax over the years. With the smooth flow of fish and fish, stable market prices, relatively good fishery benefits in the production of agricultural products, and the enthusiasm of grassroots cadres and farmers and fishermen
1 萍种的选留在10月下旬把叶厚,根系发达没有病虫害的萍体选出来,留做种萍,移到保种池,保种池内要施磷肥,精心复壮,促进萍种的原系根脱落,长出新根后,11月上旬移入越冬池。2
刘森、樊掌胜两位老师发表在 2 0 0 3年第7~ 8期合刊上的“对初二《思想政治》课本(上册 )一习题的一点质疑”一文中 ,对现行初二《思想政治》(上册 )第五课课后“畅所欲言”
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