Modeling and simulation of high-speed passenger train movements in the rail line

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:B511B500
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In this paper, we propose a new formula of the real-time minimum safety headway based on the relative velocity of consecutive trains and present a dynamic model of high-speed passenger train movements in the rail line based on the proposed formula of the minimum safety headway. Moreover, we provide the control strategies of the high-speed passenger train operations based on the proposed formula of the real-time minimum safety headway and the dynamic model of highspeed passenger train movements. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategies of the passenger train operations can greatly reduce the delay propagation in the highspeed rail line when a random delay occurs. In this paper, we propose a new formula of the real-time minimum safety headway based on the relative velocity of consecutive trains and present a dynamic model of high-speed passenger train movements in the rail line based on the proposed formula of the minimum safety headway. Moreover, we provide the control strategies of the high-speed passenger train operations based on the proposed formula of the real-time minimum safety headway and the dynamic model of highspeed passenger train movements. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control strategies of the passenger train operations can greatly reduce the delay propagation in the highspeed rail line when a random delay occurs.
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英国科学家做过一项研究,他们从澳大利亚土著居住区邀请来15名土著人到英国作客。在为期一个月的时间里,科学家们让这些土著人尽情享受现代文明成果,让他们住五星级酒店,坐飞机、地铁、轿车,逛公园、商场、游乐场。科学家相信,经过一个月的时间,这些土著人一定非常留恋这种生活,再也不愿意回到过去那种近似原始状态的生活了。   可让科学家意想不到的是,土著人很快就厌倦了,嚷着要回到自己原来的生活中。   科