
来源 :新闻与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichangsong3
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从事新闻写作,应以客观地叙述事实为主,必要时除了穿插些议论或抒情之外,还需要描写,这已成了同行中的老生常谈。但是,在新闻中怎样描写才合适呢?笔者的愚见:不宜“浓墨如云”,只能“惜墨如金”,以白描为最佳。这也是根据新闻文体写作的特点和要求作出的回答。什么是白描?说来话长。它原是我国国画的一种绘画技法,即指描绘人物和花卉时,用简朴洗练的墨线勾勒物象,不着颜色,不加渲染,故称白描。盛唐 Engaging in news writing should mainly describe the facts objectively. If necessary, apart from interspersed with some discussion or expression of emotions, it needs description. This has become a commonplace among colleagues. However, how to describe it in the news is appropriate? The author’s humble opinion: should not “thick clouds,” can only “cherish ink such as gold,” the best description of the white. This is also based on the characteristics of news style writing and requirements to make the answer. What is a white sketch? It was originally a kind of painting technique of Chinese traditional painting, which refers to portraying characters and flowers. It uses simple ink lines to sketch out objects, no color, no coloring, so it is called white drawing. Tang Dynasty
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