机械工业标准体系调整与发展战略的研究 第二部分 标准体系调整总体思路

来源 :机械工业标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbenny918
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1 指导思想与目标1.1 指导思想机械工业标准体系调整的指导思想是:在社会主义市场经济条件下,以市场需求、社会需求为导向,以采用国际标准为中心,按照依法管理、增强竞争和加速与国际惯例接轨的原则,调整标准的体系、结构和功能.在标准制修订中,以安全、卫生、环保和高新技术以及影响机械工业全面发展的重大、关键产品的标准为重点,加快企业的技术进步,促进企业市场竞争力,满足机械工业振兴需要.1.1.1 总体目标通过调整,建立起一个层次恰当、功能配套、协调统一、科学合理、标准水平与同期国际水平相当,能适应机械工业发展和振兴需要,能灵活、快速反映国内外市场需求的机械工业标准体系.1.1.2 采用国际标准目标至2000年a.90%的机械工业国家标准、行业标准达到国际与国外工业发达国家标准水平;b 除因气候/地理因素或基本技术问题等原因不适用外,ISO/IEC中的全部标准应转化为我国标准; 1 Guiding Ideology and Goals 1.1 Guiding Ideology The guiding ideology for the adjustment of the standard system of machinery industry is that guided by market demand and social needs under the conditions of socialist market economy and centered on the adoption of international standards and in accordance with the law governing and enhancing competition and acceleration In line with the international practice of the principle of adjusting the standard system, structure and function in the standard revision, with safety, health, environmental protection and high technology and the impact of all-round development of the machinery industry, major and key product standards as the focus to speed up the business Technological progress and promote the market competitiveness of enterprises to meet the needs of the revitalization of the machinery industry.1.1.1 The overall goal through the adjustment, establish a proper level, functional support, coordination, scientific and rational, the standard level with the international level over the same period, to adapt to mechanical industry Development and rejuvenation of the need to be flexible and rapid response to the needs of domestic and international market machinery industry standard system.1.1.2 The international standard target to 2000 a.90% of the national machinery industry standards, industry standards to meet the international and industrial standards of developed countries Level; b not due to climate / geographical factors or basic technical issues and other reasons not Applicable, all standards in ISO / IEC should be translated into Chinese standards;
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