通县培智学校是京郊第一所招收6—16岁智残儿童的专门学校。这里有三季鲜花飘香四季绿色相伴的校园,有漂亮的教学大楼和一流的教学设备,有41位用心血辛勤浇灌迟开花朵的园丁,120名智力残疾儿童在这里幸福生活、茁壮成长。这所学校的校长兼党支部书记就是被誉为“拓荒牛”的年过半百的县政协委员李淑香。 1984年暑假,县教育局领导把开垦弱智教育这块处女地的艰巨任务压在了有二十年教龄、在一所重点小学任教导主任的李淑香肩上。在困难面前从不皱眉头的李淑香勇敢
Tongxian Peizhi School is the first specialized school in Beijing to recruit mentally handicapped children aged 6-16. Here are the three seasons of flowers accompanied by green seasons all year round campus, beautiful teaching building and first-class teaching facilities, 41 hard-working late blooming gardeners, 120 children with intellectual disabilities happy life here, thrive. The school principal and party branch secretary is known as the “pioneer cattle” more than half of the county CPPCC members Li Shuxiang. In the summer of 1984, the leaders of the County Bureau of Education pressed the arduous task of reclaiming the virgin land for mentally handicapped education to the shoulders of Li Shu-hsiang, a teacher who has taught for twenty years and has served in a key primary school. Li Shu-xiang, who never frowns in the face of difficulties, is brave