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“馒头办”的蔓延,看起来是领导重视,其实是治理体系与治理能力的落后。如果说开会、发文是最常用的施政工具,那各类领导小组和议事协调机构就是最主要的会议、文件源头。其数量之大、层级之广、生命之顽强,常让人瞠目结舌。如党的群众路线教育实践活动以来,全国减少13万余个协调机构,其中包括十年前设立的“省防治非典指挥部”(据新华网10月22日)。可以说,遇事先开会、遇大事成立领导小组已成为不少地方施政的“条件反射”。各级党政部门的“一把手”除了法定职务外,往往还兼着或多或少的领导小组成员、指挥部负责人等。这类机构看似松散,其 “Bread to do ” spread, it seems that the leadership attention, in fact, the governance system and governance ability of the backward. If the meeting, issued a document is the most commonly used tools of administration, then all types of leading groups and the coordinating body is the most important meeting, document source. The number of large, broad levels, the tenacity of life, often staggering. For example, since the party’s mass line education practice, the country has reduced its number of coordination agencies by more than 130,000, including the “Provincial Command of SARS Prevention and Control” set up 10 years ago (Xinhuanet Oct. 22). It can be said that in case of meeting in advance, the leading group in case of major event has become the “condition reflex” of governing many places. Party and government departments at all levels “top leaders ” in addition to the statutory positions, often with more or less leading group members, head of the command and so on. Such institutions appear loose
春天来了。 春天迈着它轻盈的脚步,带者和熙的阳光、带着温柔的春风来了,冰雪消融,小溪潺潺,小草绿了,树木长出了嫩绿的芽尖,大地上到处主机盎然,一派大好春光。 一年之计
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