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食物结构又叫膳食结构,膳食结构是以一日三餐为主的食物构成。许多国家的实践证明,制定符合国情的,科学合理的膳食结构,不仅是社会文明的重要标志,而且是国家一项重要的基础科学建设,同时也为建立适合民众营养消费的农业、食品工业乃至整个国民经济结构提供科学依据。例如日本1945年制定了《营养士章程》、1952年又颁布了《营养法》,以后又陆续颁布了《学生午餐法》、《调理士(即炊事员)法》和《乳儿健康检查法》等。日本的厚生省负责贯彻实施这些营养法规。他们把日本国民从孕育直至老死的营养问题都管理起来。全国有40多万营养士以上的专业人才从事营养工作,普及营养知识,小学生从五年级起就接受营养知识教育。国家根据《学生午餐法》规定,向中小学生供应 Food structure is also called dietary structure, dietary structure is based on food consisting mainly of three meals a day. Practice in many countries proves that the formulation of a scientific and reasonable diet that is in line with the actual conditions of our country is not only an important symbol of social civilization but also an important basic scientific construction of the country. At the same time, it is also necessary to establish an agriculture, food industry, and even agriculture suitable for people’s nutritional consumption. The entire national economy provides a scientific basis for the economic structure. Japan, for instance, formulated the Dietitian Charter in 1945 and the Nutrition Act in 1952 and subsequently enacted the Student Lunch Act, the Lawyer (the Cooker) Act and the Breast Health Check Act, Wait. Japan’s Ministry of Health is responsible for the implementation of these nutrition regulations. They manage the nutritional problems of Japanese citizens from birth to death. More than 400,000 dieticians and specialists in the country are engaged in nutrition work and popularize nutrition knowledge. Primary school students receive nutritional knowledge education from the fifth grade. According to the “Student Lunch Law”, the state supplies primary and secondary students
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粉尘法施药防治保护地蔬菜病害,具有省工、省力、省药、不增加棚内湿度、防治效果明显等优点。在具体操作时须注意以下几点: 1.选择适宜的粉尘剂。防治黄瓜霜霉病、西红柿晚
寒冬过后,西葫芦便进入春季管理阶段。由于长期受低温影响,植株各器官均发育不良,春季急需恢复生长。因此,搞好春季管理是夺取西葫芦高产高效的关键。 After winter, zucch
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