浙江省永康市、人武部党委内强素质 外树形象

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浙江省永康市人武部党委从加强党委内部的思想政治建设入手,提高部机关干部队伍的整体系质,树立了人武部军事机关的良好形象。 位于浙江中部的永康市,经济发展较快素有“五金之乡”之称。人武部虽地处热闹的市区,但没有一套规范统一的办公设施和一块宽敞平整的训练场地,既与四周高楼林立形成鲜明的反差,也影响民兵训练工作的开展和人武部军事机关的形象。 The Party Committee of the People’s Armed Police Department of Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, started with strengthening the ideological and political building within the party committees, enhancing the overall quality of cadres and units in the ministries and agencies and establishing a good image of military organs in the armed forces department. Located in central Zhejiang Yongkang, rapid economic development known as “hometown of hardware,” said. Although the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces is located in the bustling urban area, there is no set of standardized office facilities and a spacious and smooth training venue. It not only stands in sharp contrast with the tall buildings in the surrounding area, but also affects the development of militia training and military organizations in the Ministry of People’s Armed Police Image.
为了使大家在开展企业升级的活动中,能更好地找差距、订标准,我们将1986年全国40个工业行业的产值物耗率、产值利税率、人均利税及资金利税率水平刊登如下,并作几点说明: 1.
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